Friday, December 16, 2011

Talking Clothes

Coat: JcPenny's, Shirt: NY&Co., Jeans: AE, Boots: borrowed from the closet across the hall, Necklace: Express, Ring: Threadsence, Purse: TjMaxx

I don't know if this is normal, but for most of my college career when I buy clothes they have to meet one major requirement. Does the item say, "I'm professional, but I like to party"? And by party I strictly mean have a good time, whatever that may be. This python print shirt however, probably leans more towards the second part of that question. I dig it though. The fit on it does good things for me and there's something about animal print that makes a girl feel good. You will be seeing this shirt a lot more.

I wore this out with friends last night to celebrate finals being over, along with the semester. This girl had a great finish for the first semester of grad school. Pretty happy about that.

Side note: I think these boots need to become mine. Luckily though I have a roommate the same size as me, which means I can steal them easily :) Sorry in advance Ash! 

1 comment:

  1. Sharing the boots is worth it in exchange for the additional closet I get to select my "I can be professional but I really like to party" outfits from.
